Hello, my name is Amber and I am sharing my research and life experience unearthing the origins of my health challenges and healing from enodmetriosis, leaky gut, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, candida overgrowth, eczema, chronic Epstein-Barr virus (in the brain, heart, and base of the brain), acne, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea (upper airway resistance), mouth breathing, cervical spine subluxation (misalignment), TMJ, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, lymphatic system dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, high cortisol, unhealthy sleep patterns, neurotransmitter dysregulation, emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, fainting spells, adrenal dysfunction, thymus dysfunction, chronic fatigue, brain fog, intrusive thoughts, chest pain, panic attacks, food allergies, migraines, nasal congestion, tongue tie, neck and shoulder pain, and costochondritis.
Amidst these symptoms and systems dysfunctions came even more challenging symptoms to live with day in and day out, fueling my determination to understand why they were happening and how to heal them for good! I am so happy to say that writing this here and now I am well, having resolved all of these issues and feeling healthy and vibrant as ever! I hope upon your discovery of this information, you will easily unearth the origins of your symptoms and be able to heal for good too! I have done my best to simplify these concepts to make the information short and easy to understand and focus on actionable steps so you can have the quickest path to healing possible.
With perseverance, I have tried copious medicines, diets, lifestyle habits, exercises, affirmations, detoxes, healing modalities, practitioners, products, and wellness treatments which have both been unnecessary at times and revitalized my well-being here and now. I will lay out all the information for you so you can learn and decide which avenues of healing to explore or which may be unessential for you- the guide I wish I had all along my journey! I have started with the foundations for wellness as without these in place your capacity to make progress on healing will be limited. In fact, you may find symptom relief simply by optimizing these basic elements. Additionally, we all require these to maintain wellbeing. Successively, I will post the information for healing individual symptoms you may be facing, how to heal organ and system dysfunctions, and the health benefits of various elements you can incorporate into your wellness routines to feel your best and enjoy your life.
Worldwide wellness requires yours, XO Amber